Deceased's Un-nominated Central Provident Fund ("CPF") Monies / Baby Bonus / Edusave / Post Secondary Education Account ("PSEA")Estimated time to complete:
30 minutes.Deceased’s Assets other than Un-nominated CPF Monies / Baby Bonus / Edusave / PSEAEstimated time to complete:
30 minutes.Maintenance and Allowance for MinorEstimated time to complete:
10-15 minutes.Statement of AccountEstimated time to complete:
5 minutes.
Intestacy CalculatorEstimated time to complete:
3 minutes.Motor Accident Compensation SettlementEstimated time to complete:
30 minutes.Approval for Solicitor and Client CostEstimated time to complete:
15 minutes.Submit Confirmation of Beneficiary Representative Application Consent, Requested Information, Supporting Documents and Other FormsEstimated time to complete:
5 minutes.
Submit Supporting DocumentsEstimated time to complete:
10 minutes.Submission of Bank Account / PayNow DetailsEstimated time to complete:
5-10 minutes.Special Needs Trust Company Portal ("SNTC")Payments for various services such as Amount received for Administration and FeesEstimated time to complete:
5-10 minutes.
30 minutes.Deceased’s Assets other than Un-nominated CPF Monies / Baby Bonus / Edusave / PSEAEstimated time to complete:
30 minutes.Maintenance and Allowance for MinorEstimated time to complete:
10-15 minutes.Statement of AccountEstimated time to complete:
5 minutes.
Intestacy CalculatorEstimated time to complete:
3 minutes.Motor Accident Compensation SettlementEstimated time to complete:
30 minutes.Approval for Solicitor and Client CostEstimated time to complete:
15 minutes.Submit Confirmation of Beneficiary Representative Application Consent, Requested Information, Supporting Documents and Other FormsEstimated time to complete:
5 minutes.
Submit Supporting DocumentsEstimated time to complete:
10 minutes.Submission of Bank Account / PayNow DetailsEstimated time to complete:
5-10 minutes.Special Needs Trust Company Portal ("SNTC")Payments for various services such as Amount received for Administration and FeesEstimated time to complete:
5-10 minutes.